
Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Fight Fight Fight
Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Sunday Sep 22, 2024
From Chummy Studios, Hye Jams Radio presents, “Paisan and Friends,” brought to you by Haig’s Kabob House.
Tonight, your favorite Italian leads us as we salute the brave and resilient—those who face adversity head-on and fight for what they believe in. From the courageous Armenians in the nation's storied history, who have endured decades of challenges but never backed down, to leaders like former President Donald Trump, who continues to persevere through immense attacks and multiple assignation attempts, we honor the unwavering tenacity. We’ll also pay tribute to young Armenian soldiers, often thrown into battles, not of their making, yet always standing strong despite the odds.
Remember, no matter the struggle, always Fight Fight Fight!
This show features Brand New Hye Jams by DJ Davo, Gaya Abrahamyan, Gevork Mkrtchyan, Spitakci Hayko and Brunette.
Plus hits you know and love from Kolo, Ara Martirosyan, Paul Baghdadlian, Vrej Sahagian, Iveta Mukuchyan, Sammy Flash, Azat Hakobyan, Arman Tovmasyan, Ararat 94, Armenchik, Khachik Arenci, Seda Hovhannisyan, CityofAng3ls, Sirusho, Victor Espinola, Super Sako, Saro Tovmasyan and Diana Harutyunyan — to name a few.